RPD Jake

Born 13th December 2009
Served August/September 2010 – 9th August 2020
Handler PC Jamieson-Jerreat
Jake’s handler wrote the following.
“Jake came to me at 9 months old. He was a Rescue from the RSPCA West Hatch, Taunton after being very badly treated as puppy. They brought about a successful prosecution for Animal Cruelty and his new life started with me.
Jake was a very frightened and timid dog at first but showed good signs. I was still working my other Drugs Dog a Black Lab also called Jake so we took our time bringing on little Jake and training him over a period of a year rather than rushing it in 6 weeks.
Throughout his career as a firearms, cash and drugs PD he met and made friends with 4 of my GP Dogs, Danny, Hondo, Elmo and Jabba.
We had some amazing finds over the years and spent 2 weeks in London for the Olympic Games in 2012.
Jake has now retired a lovely forever home where he will be well looked after and loved for the rest of his life”.
RPD Zeph

11/11/2006 – 13/10/2018
Handler PC Pinkard
His handler wrote the following.
Zeph worked as a Police dog from 1st January 2008 and I was his handler the whole time. In November 2016 I sadly had to retire early due to injury and Zeph retired with me.
We worked the hardest and most challenging areas of Bristol. Zeph had an outstanding prisoner count and was one of the best tracking and searching dogs on the section.
Zeph re-licenced every year and always re-qualified to advanced. We never had an action plan in our entire service. In 2011 he went onto win Dog Action Of The Year award following his service during the Bristol riots. He also received numerous district commendations for outstanding results.
Zeph qualified for the Crufts Obreedience final 2017, working alongside 3 other german shepherds (none police) and won.
Zeph & I bonded from the start. He was such a loving dog & when he went out he always put his heart and soul into everything he did. Everything he did, he did for me. He was my best friend as well as my work buddy.
They say you always get one special dog in your life and he was and will always be mine. Moo and I miss him more than words can ever say.
RPD Trixie

28/01/2006 – 17/04/2020
Served 2007-2015
Handler PC Hennys
Trixie went to her handler as an 11 month old rescue dog in 2007, and was trained in Drugs/Cash/firearm recovery.
Trixie was a fantastic little specialist dog. She had numerous large finds over her career and even in retirement she did demos within A&S.
Trixie retired in 2015, she stayed with Andy and his wife Jackie and saw our her days with their other dogs.
Trixie is greatly missed.

Handler PC Dalrymple
Sid passed away on 22nd February 2019 at 15 years of age.
Serviced from 2006 to 2015
Sid was an RSPCA rescue dog.
Sid had deployments at the Olympic, Commonwealth and Paralympic Games. He also had deployments in Northern Ireland and looked after Royalty and members of Government including President Obama and The German Chancellor.
He passed away in his mums arms on the sofa. A dignified end for a lovely boy, who is greatly missed by his handler and family.
RPD Albie

21.01.10 – 28.01.19
Served March 2011 – July 2017
Handler PC Hilder
Albie was bred by A&S for his role as a PD, he served with them until he retired to his handler in July 2017.
Very sadly Ablie lost his battle with cancer and passed away on 28th January 2019.
Albie will be greatly missed by his handler, family and all who knew him. Run free over the rainbow bridge Albie.
RPD Trix

RPD Trix turned 12 years old in January 2018. She worked as a drugs, firearms and cash detection dog in Avon and Somerset. Trix joined her hander at 11 months old, and came from a dog rescue. She worked until she was 8 ½ years. Both Trix and her handler are now enjoying their retirement. Her handler says: “She is and always was a star!”
RPD Ronnie

Served 2007-2015