North Yorkshire ROH

PD Dixon

09/12/2013 – 13/03/2022

Served 01/04/2015 – 13/03/2022

Handler PC Gummerson

Dixon’s handler wrote the following.

“Dixon was eight years, he joined North Yorkshire Police at 15 weeks old.

He passed all his initial training with flying colours and we have been by each other’s side ever since.

Loyal, trusting and faithful, Dixon was an incredible dog who had a very loving temperament. He loved nothing more than going to work and he would do absolutely anything for me.

He served North Yorkshire for eight years as a General Purpose dog and his duties included looking for missing people, searching for weapons and other evidence, and tracking down individuals trying to evading the police.

During his career he received a Chief Constable’s Commendation and he had also recently licensed as a firearms support dog, so he was absolutely at the top of his game.

Determined and dedicated, nothing phased him and he was known for never giving up.

When he was not at work, Dixon loved going for walks with his family and playing with his ball.

Dixon is greatly missed. Thank you for your service.”